First sync with Raito Cloud

In this guide we’ll walk you through an example of how to connect Raito Cloud to a Databricks data warehouse with the Raito CLI. We’ll

  • make sure that Raito CLI is installed and available
  • log into Raito Cloud an create a data source
  • create a service principal in Databricks to use with the CLI
  • configure the Raito CLI to connect to Raito Cloud and synchronize with the previously-created data source
  • run a first sync

For this guide you will need access to Raito Cloud and to a Databricks account.

Raito CLI installation

To install the Raito CLI, simply run the following command in a terminal window:

$> brew install raito-io/tap/cli

Check that everything is correctly installed by running

$> raito --version

If you want more information about the installation process, or you need to troubleshoot an issue, you can find more information here.

Create a data source in Raito Cloud

Now that the CLI is working, sign in to your Raito Cloud instance.

In the left navigation pane go to Data Sources > All data sources. You should see a button on the top right, Add data source. This will guide you through a short wizard to create a new data source. The main things that you will need to configure are

  • Data source type. Select your data warehouse type. We are constantly adding new connectors, and you will be able to create and use your own if needed.
  • Data source name. Give your data source a good descriptive name, separating it from other data sources. For this example we’ll choose ‘Databricks Test’.
  • Data source description. Accompany your data source with a meaningful description.

Once the data source has been created, you are ready to connect the Raito CLI with it.

Create a Databricks Service principal

While it is possible to use user credentials to execute a Raito sync, it is highly recommended to create a dedicated Databricks service principal to be used by the Raito CLI connector.

Therefor, we’ll create a Service Principal (named RaitoSync) and provide it with the necessary permissions.

  • Navigate to the User management page in your Databricks account admin page. Under the tab Service principals, click Add Service Principal.
  • Fill in the name (in our example RaitoSync). Click on the newly created service principal to create a new OAuth secret.
  • A client ID and secret will be generated, save those credentials for later use.
  • Ensure the service principal is configured as account admin (so it can read all the users and groups within the account).
  • Add the service principal as admin of all workspaces you want to sync to Raito.
  • Additionally, create an owner_group (containing the service principal) that can be assigned to all catalogs in all workspaces.
  • Assign the new owner_group as owner of all catalogs in every workspace. The following Python script can be used (in each workspace) to achieve this:

catalogsDf = spark.sql("SHOW CATALOGS")
it = catalogsDf.toLocalIterator()

for catalog in it:
    # spark.sql("ALTER CATALOG " + catalog['catalog'] + " OWNER TO master_catalog_owner;")
    r = spark.sql("DESCRIBE CATALOG EXTENDED " + catalog['catalog'] + ";")
    updateCatalog = False
    for infoRow in r.toLocalIterator():
        if infoRow['info_name'] == "Catalog Type" and infoRow["info_value"] == "Regular":
            updateCatalog = True

    if updateCatalog:
        spark.sql("ALTER CATALOG " + catalog['catalog'] + " OWNER TO " + principal + ";")

RAITO CLI Configuration

On the main page of the newly created data source, you will see a configuration snippet with the necessary information to connect the Raito CLI to this data source.

To do this, create a file with the name raito.yml and edit it to look like this:

api-user: "{{RAITO_USER}}"
api-secret: "{{RAITO_API_KEY}}"
domain: "{{DOMAIN}}"

  - name: Databricks
    connector-name: raito-io/cli-plugin-databricks
    connector-version: latest
    data-source-id: "<data-source-id>"
    identity-store-id: "<identity-store-id>"

    databricks-account-id: "{{DATABRICKS_ACCOUNT_ID}}"
    databricks-client-id: "{{DATABRICKS_CLIENT_ID}}"
    databricks-client-secret: "{{DATABRICKS_CLIENT_SECRET}}"

To enable row filtering and column masking, the plugin need access to a SQL warehouse to manage those filters and masks.

This can be configured by adding the following parameter to the target configuration as well. You can do this for each meta store you have:

        workspace: <workspace-id>
        warehouse: <sql-warehouse-id>

Raito run

Now that our data source is set up and we have our Raito CLI configuration file, we can run the Raito CLI with:

$> raito run

This will download all data objects, users, access controls (roles) and data usage information from Databricks and upload it to Raito Cloud. It will also get the access controls created in Raito Cloud and push them as roles to Databricks, but since you’ve started out with an empty instance, this is not relevant at this point.

See here for more information about what happens exactly.

Check results in Raito Cloud

When the raito run command finished successfully, go back to Raito Cloud.

On the dashboard you will now see some initial insights that we extract from the data that was synchronized. If you go to Data Sources > Databricks Test (i.e. the data source that you have created before), you should be able to see when the last sync was done in the General information section. When you scroll down you can also navigate through the data objects in your Databricks warehouse.

When you go to Identities in the navigation bar, you can see all the users of the Databricks instance under Identity Store ‘Databricks Test’. Finally, in Access Controls under grants, you have an overview of all the roles in your Databricks instance. If you click on one, you get a detailed view of who belongs to that role, and what they have access to with which permissions.

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