Google Cloud

Google Cloud is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google. It contains data storage services like Google Cloud Storage (GCS) and BigQuery. The goal of this connector is to provide an overarching data source in case you want to manage multiple data storage service (e.g. multiple BigQuery data sources) in Raito. In this way, the users, groups, etc. are shared among those data sources and we generate visibility in organization level access controls.

The connector is available here and supports

  • Import of the GCP Organization structure (Folders, Projects) as Data Objects into Raito Cloud
  • Import users, groups and service accounts from all IAM policies in the organization into Raito Cloud
  • Import of GSuite users, groups and group membership into Raito Cloud
  • Import of GCP Service Accounts on all projects as users into Raito Cloud
  • Import of existing IAM Role grants on all levels (org, folder, project) as Access Controls
  • Granting/Revoking IAM Role bindings on resources for users, groups and service accounts based on Access Controls defined in Raito Cloud

Currently, during import of IAM bindings into Raito Cloud, Access Controls will only be created for the following IAM roles:

  • roles/owner
  • roles/editor
  • roles/viewer

IAM bindings for roles other than the ones listed will be skipped unless skip-unmanaged-iam-roles is set to false in the connector configuration. In this case they will be imported, but as not-internalizable Access Controls, meaning we only report on them, but do not allow managing them within Raito Cloud.


IAM Permissions

The Google Cloud connector requires a GCP Service Account that has the necessary permissions to retrieve projects, folders, the GCP organization and their respective IAM policies.

The table below describes the IAM permissions needed for the plugin to function. These permissions can be assigned either through a custom IAM role or through existing roles that contain them:

Permission Purpose
resourcemanager.organizations.get Retrieve the organization
resourcemanager.organizations.getIamPolicy Retrieve who has IAM roles on the Organization level
resourcemanager.organizations.setIamPolicy Revoke/Create IAM Role bindings based on Raito Access Controls
resourcemanager.folders.get To detect folders within the organization and/or a folder
resourcemanager.folders.list To detect folders within the organization and/or a folder
resourcemanager.folders.getIamPolicy Retrieve who has IAM roles at the Folder level
resourcemanager.folders.setIamPolicy Revoke/Create IAM Role bindings based on Raito Access Controls
resourcemanager.projects.get To retrieve projects
resourcemanager.projects.list To retrieve projects
resourcemanager.projects.getIamPolicy Retrieve who has IAM roles at the Project level
resourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy Revoke/Create IAM Role bindings based on Raito Access Controls

Depending on where the role containing these permissions is bound to, the scope of that sync will be different:

IAM Policy Sync scope
Organization The organization, all (sub-)folders and projects will be exposed and you will see all role assignments in Raito
Folder Only the folder, its subfolders and their projects will be exposed in Raito
Project Only the individual project will be exposed in Raito

A detailed step-by-step guide on how to create a service account, IAM role and execute the connector can be found within our GCP And BigQuery guide.

GSuite domain-wide delegation

As part of the Identity Store Synchronization, the GCP CLI plugin can leverage GSuite to pull in all your users, groups and group memberships. To achieve this, the service account used during the sync needs to have domain-wide delgation set up. A complete guide on how to do that is provided here.

The following oAuth scopes are required


Please take note of your Customer ID listed under Account > Account Settings in the admin console as you’ll need this to set up the CLI later on.

GCP-specific CLI parameters

To see all parameters, type

$> raito info raito-io/cli-plugin-gcp/gcp

in a terminal window.

Currently, the following configuration parameters are available:

  • gcp-organization-id (mandatory): The ID of your GCP organization.
  • gcp-serviceaccount-json-location (optional): The location of the GCP ServiceAccount Key file (if not set, the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable is used)
  • skip-unmanaged-iam-roles (optional): If set to false (default true), all IAM roles will be imported, even the ones that are not applicable. They are then imported as not-internalizable and used for observability purposes only.
  • gsuite-identity-store-sync (optional): If set to true (default false), the identity store sync step will also pull information from GSuite.
  • gsuite-customer-id (optional): When gsuite-identity-store-sync is set to true, use this parameter to set the GSuite Customer ID.
  • gsuite-impersonate-subject (optional): When gsuite-identity-store-sync is set to true, use this parameter to the email address of the Admin Console User to be used for domain-wide delegation.
  • gcp-roles-to-group-by-identity (optional): The optional comma-separate list of role names. When set, the bindings with these roles will be grouped by identity (user or group) instead of by resource. Note that the resulting Access Controls will not be editable from Raito Cloud. This can be used to lower the amount of imported Access Controls for roles like ‘roles/owner’ and ‘roles/bigquery.dataOwner’.
  • gcp-include-paths (optional): Optional comma-separated list of paths to include. If specified, only these paths will be handled. For example: /folder1/subfolder,/folder2
  • gcp-exclude-paths (optional): Optional comma-separated list of paths to exclude. If specified, these paths will not be handled. Excludes have preference over includes. For example: /folder2/subfolder